Refer Source:Top 20 exciting features of SQL Server 2012 – Part 1
Feature number 1 (Revolution):- Column store indexes
Feature number 3 (Revolution):- Pagination
There are instances when you want to display large result sets to the end user. The best way to display large result set is to split them i.e. apply pagination. So developers had their own hacky ways of achieving pagination using “top”, “row_number” etc. But from SQL Server 2012 onwards we can do pagination by using “OFFSET” and “FETCH’ commands.
Feature number 4 (Revolution):- Contained database
This is a great feature for people who have to go through pain of SQL Server database migration again and again. One of the biggest pains in migrating databases is user accounts. SQL Server user resides either in windows ADS or at SQL Server level as SQL Server users. So when we migrate SQL Server database from one server to other server these users have to be recreated again.
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