Tuesday, July 30, 2013

SSIS Package Configuration

Please refer to the video for details. SSIS Package Configuration




PackageConfiguration: XML Indirect method:

The .dtsconfig file which holds the connection to database , the path of the file is put in
an environment variable.

PackageConfiguration:SQL Server

Configure and it creates a Table , say "SSISConfigurations"  in the specified database.

In this configuration , specify a Filter that identifies it as unique along with PackagePath.

SSMS:Navigate to the specified database, risht click choose "Generate Script" , then choose
under "Table ".. "Script - True... , choose the table "
"SSISConfigurations" , in query window it puts the script.

To move production:

"SSISConfigurations" script give to dba and the environment variable that holds the connection 


1.Environment variable: (My Computer - Properties -Advanced - Environmental Variable -Product Id ,
Right Click-Solution Explorer-Package Configuration option [ Enable Package Configuration ]-Environmental variable-,Wizard -Map Variable  Value
2.Variables - New User Variables : regedit-HKEY_CURRENT_USER-Add -Key-
    Right Click-Solution Explorer-Package Configuration-Registry-,Wizard -Map Variable  Value
3.xml configuration - 2 methods :Direct ( create the Connection string as Env. variable,map in package configuration), Indirect
i.Direct- Right Click-Solution Explorer-Package Configuration-choose a new file to store all parameters - say PkgConfig.dtsConfig
ii.Environmental variable - ConfigPath point to the PkgConfig.dtsConfig ( it has connection string)
4."SQL Server Configuration" - Server Name -.[dbo].[SSISConfigurations]  , Configuration filter:VariableDemo { this makes package unique}
5. Go to DB(in explorer)- right click-Task-Generate Script - Script Data(True),Tables(SSISConfigurations):Puts script into Query window
and with the values the DBA has to just run that script (Test or Prod) and create the necessary Environmental variables.

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